
Bringing Numerology and Tarot together.

Posted in Numerology, Tarot tagged , , , , , , at 19:21 by maggyann

Now it is time to take our first steps in looking at the relationship between Numerology and Tarot.

A deck of tarot cards consists of 22 cards in the major arcana and 56 in the minor arcana. The minor arcana is comprised of four suits of  ten numbered cards and four court cards each, (also referred to as the Royal arcana), rather like a pack of playing cards. The major arcana of 22 cards are all numbered and have titles.

In this post I want to show the major arcana and its relationship to the blueprint numbers we have found via numerology.

Each number between 1 and 9 is linked to two of the major arcana cards. Here is a list of the cards with their deck numbers in brackets. You will see that the cards relate through the same procedure of adding down which we have seen illustrated in the calculations for the blueprint numbers of an individual’s birthdate except for the two Key numbers 11 and 22 which are treated slightly differently once again.

Blueprint number 1 with The Magician (1) and The Wheel of Fortune (10)

Blueprint number 2 with The High Priestess (2) and Judgement (20)

Blueprint number 3 with The Empress (3) and The Hanged Man (12)

Blueprint number 4 with The Emperor (4) and Death (13)

Blueprint number 5 with The Hierophant (5) and Temperance (14)

Blueprint number 6 with The Lovers (6) and The Devil (15)

Blueprint number 7 with The Chariot (7) and The Tower (16)

Blueprint number 8 with Strength (8) and The Star (17)

Blueprint number 9 with The Hermit (9) and The Moon (18)

From the numerology blueprints we are left with Key numbers 11 and 22
From the major arcana we are left with the cards of The Fool (0) Justice (11) The Sun (19) and The World (21)
Key blueprint 11 is associated with The Fool (0) and Justice (11)
Key blueprint 22 is associated with both The Sun (19) and The World (21)
In my next post I will explore meanings of these cards and their influences on the lifepath of each blueprint number.


Eight of Cups

Posted in Tarot tagged , , , at 14:17 by maggyann

I thought it would be of interest to go over some of the cards in a deck to give some insight into how they work for me. I know there are many, many sites on the web and as many books in bookshops to teach you what the cards mean in an elementary way so this is perhaps a slightly pointless exercise but as I have said elsewhere the cards can introduce their own meanings and directions to a reading.

Perhaps if I can show some of you who are starting on the path just how startling the change in direction from a card can be it will help you to gain confidence in your own perceptions when you do a spread. I remember how hard it was for me to have the courage to spread my wings a bit and go with my thoughts rather than the LWB definitions so maybe this will make it easier for you in some way to open up to *your* cards.

Initially I thought to be very tidy in my approach and work through the cards in a very logical way but as I began (with the Fool) my flow kept being blocked. I gave up in the end and left it for a while. Maybe the whole idea for this string of posts was a non-starter?

I came back to it today with a new perspective. It came to me from somewhere. Let the cards dictate the order. So I have shuffled my RW deck and out came The Eight of Cups. Having an ordered kind of mind this is not my preferred way of approaching this exercise but I will go with my cards and begin here.

On the surface this card is really self-explanatory. The cups are lined up in the forefront, neat and shining. The person is seen, his back to the cups, a staff in his hand to aid his journey and ahead of him the craggy and difficult landscape to be traversed. He is already hunched and weary in appearance but there is no indication of him faltering or looking back. Above him the moon shows both its sides and looks down on him with a gaze of understanding and sympathy for his condition. The Moon knows the emotional strain will equal the physical in this journey.

This card obviously indicates a leaving behind of matters which until this point have been important – the cups are clean and orderly, it also shows that though the choice has been made and the person is set on the path that this has not been an easy decision to make – the dejected appearance of the traveller.

On a deep level this card is showing that not only has the time come to make changes, the journey has already begun. Perhaps only in the mind – the planning stages but the decision has been reached, there can be no turning back. This can be a sign of a new level of maturity being reached, the uncomfortable feeling that the path previously trodden has not been fulfilling. There is great weariness, emotional stress even fear but this card is showing a time of change bringing a new level of peace and contentment. Initially a time of greater self awareness which will ultimately disassemble the ego to rebuild it to a more open state, this is a necessary experience.

On the surface level this card can indicate a change of employment, lifestyle, aims, desires. It can show a leaving behind of the negative traits which have been a heavy load, a growing away from any alcohol dependence or drugs or even a bad relationship which has been destructive, a job which has been a trial, a way of living which has become a burden. It may even be something as obvious as a way of thinking, an attitude which is harmful to the self or to others.

This moving away is to be encouraged and the questioner should actively seek whatever help they need in making this difficult journey. The renewal will be worthwhile and the outcome looks good. This is a card of confirmation of a choice made and encouragement in making the journey.

The leaving behind is not always a physical thing, it can be on a mental level. A reassessment of how much importance is given to the baggage. It may not be discarded completely but reassigned. The job may not be abandoned but looked at differently, the bad habit may not be given up but given less importance, the person may not be discarded but clung to less fervently.

When showing in a spread the cards supporting and conflicting with this one have an influence on how I read it. E.G. if the Hanged Man appears with the eight of cups it can indicate that the questioner is actually one of the cups rather than the traveller. The ‘sacrifice’ indicated can be that they are to be left behind (or their importance reassigned) in the quest for (on a high level) the spiritual or (on a lower level) the personal growth, day to day comfort, of someone they are close to in some degree.

In this case they should be as the Moon and show sympathy and understanding, give support even and though it may take time and, be difficult and hurtful they will gain from the experience too.

We all have to learn to let loose the caged bird within ourselves as much as we have to be able to release the bird we have ensnared or escape the one which has trapped us.


My favourite deck of tarot cards.

Posted in Tarot tagged , , at 23:02 by maggyann

I have had my favourite pack of cards for many years now. They are Rider Waite, probably the most common of all packs. I have others but I do not connect with them nearly so well.

These cards are so easy to work with. Visually they are self explanatory and cheerful. The pack came with a LWB (Little White Book) which gives the historical meaning of each card in a few words. This is a great help to someone picking up a pack for the first time and I know I learned these meanings religiously in the beginning. It was not long though before I began to see a pattern forming in my thoughts in relation to each card as it appeared in a spread.

The basic meaning sometimes flew out of the window or was at the very least enlarged upon in my mind. I soon began to lose the basic meanings as other more intensive descriptions and directions were gained from each card. This in turn led to my feeling, which is now a firm belief that the cards move me to some other mental realm when I lay them in a spread.

Today my cards are well worn, the edges slightly tatty but I cannot bring myself to replace them. They are old friends, we know each other so well. If you are thinking of buying yourself a pack of tarot cards I would definitely recommend the Rider Waite, at least as your first foray into the realms of tarot. They are equally as good for the experienced reader and I am sure practically every reader has them to hand.


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